
Personal Chef Networks

Written by Shirley Parker

Feelings exist in some quarters that personal chef networks may have already maxed out as far as attracting new members. It makes a person wonder how many networks are too many? Does competition eventually sink an idea because consumers (chefs, in this instance) have too many choices?

The newcomer may well be a little bewildered and wonder which group is best to join. A personal chef, just beginning the budget process for this adventure, won't want to waste money on membership fees that bring nothing substantial in return. Nor will the seasoned chef want to join several personal chef networks, if there's too much overlap in advice, services, and so forth. That said, there are benefits to belonging to a local independent network that a large national network might not provide, and vice versa.

Some of the best personal chef networks have local chapters, but not everywhere in the United States and Canada. Even so, most networks accept members-at-large, as well as associate members. The bigger networks hold well-attended national and regional conferences. Such events can be so intense and exhausting, for any industry, that one may last you two or three years.

What Services Do


A Very Helpful Review

There are tons of offers out there right now for kratom and other supplements, you see it every day when you go online. A bunch of videos that you can find on Youtube of people talking about how kratom has helped them and what it can do for you etc. So when I wanted to try it for myself and find a good supplement supplier, I had to go looking through the reviews.

And I wanted to spend a decent amount of time do it so that I could be sure that I was going to find a good deal. I am tired of ordering things online and not getting what I wanted or getting screwed and finding a better deal later, so when I found many reviews talking about one site meeting their kratom needs then I had to go and look for myself.

It was Review selection that really drew me to this site, there were so many people talking about how pleased they were with the order that I thought it couldn’t hurt to try them out first.

buy kratom

When I read Review posts I was happy to see that there were pleased customers, again and …


Healthy Foods: What to Eat And Why

For example – to normalize digestion is advisable to use apples, bananas, plums and potatoes.If you often have problems with digestive system must at least once a day to take liquid food and drink mint tea or chamomile.

Cardiovascular disease is preventable with the help of oranges, grapefruit, garlic, carrots and beans. Cocoa, chocolate, and decrease the so-called salmon. ”Bad” (LDL) cholesterol from the body. Juice from orange and grapefruit, as well as chesanatq added to salad, help to lower blood pressure.

On locomotory system positively affects lemon – it strengthens connective tissue and bone.Lemon and olive oil protect the body from infections. Strawberries reduce the harmful effects of viruses, a yogurt and garlic maintain immunity.

Oranges and sweet pepper weaken asthma symptoms.Cauliflower promote weight loss because it helps very successfully for the removal of slag from the body.Carrots, blueberries and green tea improve eyesight. Carrots are a wonderful antioxidant that protects the body from the negative environmental impact.Onion and citrus will improve the situation in the cold.

Tea, coffee and mint are good painkillers.Alcohol poisoning will remove coffee with lemon, orange or tomato juice.Replace sugar with honey, which is more useful and would not deprive his body than …


Health and Beauty Companies that Utilize Animal Testing

Some large companies test their products on animals before delivering them to human markets. This is especially true of cosmetics companies as they begin trials of new product combinations to see if they are safe for human use. Here are the Big Five cosmetic companies who test their products on animals before you put them on your face and body, with some help from a list on Caring Consumer.

Many cosmetics companies have gone away from animal testing since the European Union's ban on testing ingredients for cosmetics on animals went into effect in March of 2009. L'Oreal was one of the first to finally claim they have stopped animal testing, thanks in part to the EU's ban.

Arm & Hammer is famous for their lines of deodorant, toothpastes, and baking soda in general. The famous arm with a sledgehammer logo can be found on many beauty products and in cleaners. Ironically, or maybe even cruelly beyond inhumane, Arm & Hammer products can be found in pet products such as cat litter and puppy pads.

Johnson & Johnson owns the brands Neutrogena and Aveeno, two very popular brands of cosmetics, lotions, and cleansers. As part of their PR work, Johnson …


Get your branded cigar info here

Cigar smoking is injurious to health is a slogan written on every packet of cigar. But the people are continuing their smoking habit for their relaxation. Some are addicted to the habit of smoking. For smokers more number of brands available for smoking. The can get the information through the online market. There are online cigar blogs like will give the information all about the cigar, cigar brands, cigar storing kit and many more.

Online cigar shops

There are number of premium brands and types of cigars available in the online cigar markets. There are some tips to be considered while buying the right kind of cigar. The smoker can the good brands from the local shops itself. They offer them best brand and the taste which suits the needier. They offer also discounted price also. They are also available with premium type’s best price and best brands. You can get a packet and lot more even they offer a single piece of cigar at low cost. If you are not able get those in your local shop just try them through online shops. You are able to purchase cigar at anytime and from anywhere.

The online shops like …


Four Culinary Herbs to Grow in Partial Shade

If you are growing herbs this year like I am, you'll quickly discover that herbs have a wide range of growing needs. Herbs, such as oregano and thyme, can handle hot, dry temperatures while broad leaf herbs such as basil need better soil conditions and partial shade. Different growing conditions is why I have two herb beds in my yard this year; one for heat loving herbs and one for partial shade loving herbs such as these.

Italian Parsley 
This flat leafed Italian parsley is one of my favorites since it's packed full of nutrition (Iron, Vitamins A, C, and K) and has a rich, deep flavor that holds up better in cooking than the curled varieties. While Italian parsley is both heat tolerant and handles mild frost just fine, I've discovered that it's happiest in beds that have filtered afternoon shade. The foliage of Italian parsley is also quite attractive and is a nice way to make a ho-hum flower bed look a little more interesting.

Basil is another family favorite which is why I always plant a large assortment of basil plants each year. We use it in pesto, as a substitute for lettuce in …


Savory Stuffed Mushroom Casserole Recipe: Side Dish Featuring Mushrooms, Garlic, Onions, Parsley & Oregano

Serve this wonderful side dish at your next cocktail or holiday party. Stuffed mushroom casserole can be prepared a day or two in advance, and stored in the refrigerator until ready to bake.

Stuffed Mushroom Casserole Recipe:



  • One 8 ounce package mushrooms
  • 1 stick (6 ounces) unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups onion – chopped
  • 1 clove garlic – minced
  • 2 1/2 cups fresh bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley – chopped
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano, or 1 tablespoon fresh
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Stuffed Mushroom Casserole Directions

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Spray the bottom and sides of an 8" by 8" glass baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
  3. Brush off any dirt that is present on the mushrooms with a mushroom brush, or soft cloth.
  4. Remove the stems from the mushroom caps, roughly chop the stems, then set aside.
  5. Place the mushroom caps in the bottom of the baking dish.
  6. Add half of the butter to a large frying pan, placed over medium heat.
  7. Add the onions to the frying pan and cook until translucent.
  8. Add the chopped mushroom stems and garlic to the pan,

Free Health Care in San Francisco

Berkeley Free Clinic – Located in Berkeley at 2339 Durant Ave. This clinic treats colds, coughs, ear infections, skin problems, sexually transmitted infections, minor wounds, burns and yeast infections. Also offers HIV, TB and pregnancy tests. Has a dental lottery system for exams, extractions, fillings and x-rays (must arrive when the clinic opens that day, for an appointment later at night.)

Haight Ashbury Free Clinic – Offers various primary care services as well as pediatrics, chiropractic care, podiatry and HIV testing and treatment. Also offers a separate substance abuse treatment program. Located at 558 Clayton Street.

New Generation Health Center – STD testing and treatment for those age 24 or younger. Also provides birth control. 625 Potrero Avenue.

North East Medical Services – Services for residents of the northeast (downtown area) of San Francisco. Services are free for the homeless, sliding scale payments for all others. All types of care including dental offered. 1520 Stockton Street. Cantonese and Mandarin spoken.

San Francisco Department of Public Health – Makes clinic referrals for all health services. Diagnosis and treatment not provided on site, just referrals. 3850 17th Street.

South of Market Health Center – At 551 Minna Street in downtown, this clinic …


A Comprehensive Guide on Kratom and FAQ – Kratom Week

Kratom plant grows naturally in the Southeast Asia countries; it is a stimulant the same as coffee, this article will extensively discuss the different veins and strains, benefits and effects. As a buyer you also need clarity on some of the issues surrounding the use of kratom, we have also listed common questions and provided the answer that may be of help and aid in decision making before buying these native evergreen plant.

Benefits of different veins and strains drugs to use

White Vein Kratom

It is famous for having the most stimulating effects; the main variety is the White Maeng Da,

The benefits found in the white vein include; it aids to relieve depression. The strains to use in this situation include; Thai, Malay and Maeng Da

General effects of strains with the white vein;

  • Positive Mood
  • Euphoria
  • Concentration and alertness
  • Cheerfulness, stamina and motivation

Red Vein

Benefits; it has pain relieving properties and is useful for the following conditions;

  • An intensive headache
  • Arthritis
  • Chest pain
  • Minor injuries like burns, scrapes and broken bones
  • A backache
  • Neck and abdominal soreness
  • Damaged muscles

The most effective strains to use for above conditions include; Borneo, Bali, Maeng Da and Indo

Dose; …


Yoga and Its Various Health Benefits

Yoga is a method of treating diseases by means of Yogic exercises which are physical or mental or both. It is a specialized form of yogic culture. This method of treatment has its origin in India and is practiced from the very ancient times. Maharishi Patanjali is known to be the founder of Yoga. The term"Yoga"derives its meaning from the Sanskrit root "Yug" which means "to join”. It signifies the union between the individual soul (human-being) and the universal soul (God). Its aim is to obtain relief from pain and suffering. Basically evolution of human takes place on three different planes namely Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

Yoga is a science of attaining perfect and sound health by maintaining a balance and achieving optimum functioning on all the three levels through complete self-control. Yogic asanas, Pranayamas and Kriyas constitute the physical basis of Yoga. Performing all these asanas, Kriyas leads to excellent circulation. It provides energy and stimulation to the major doctrine glands of the body. Yogic exercises promote internal health and harmony, and their regular practice helps to prevent many common ailments. They also eliminate stress, tensions be they mental, physical or emotional.

Pranayama reverts the ageing process. Normally an …