
Valentine's Day Magical Plants: The Folklore Associated with Basil, Bay, Calendula, Lovage & Mint

Old wive's tales are the folklore and superstitions handed down from generation to generation. Old gardening lore and planting tips gleaned from our grandmothers and mothers of past generations give us a quaint look at the beliefs and gardening practices of our ancestors.

A wide variety of beliefs and superstitions have been associated with various herbs and plants throughout the ages. Certain plants were thought to convey magical power to whomever put them to use in spells, charms, amulets and potions. This information gives us a window to the past regarding the historical beliefs and quaint uses of these herbs which are staple ingredients of our modern-day kitchen.

Love Magic

Here are a few herbs and their magical associations. Use one or more of these ingredients to add flavor and a touch of love to your Valentine’s Day culinary creations.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – Basil is one of many herbs that can be added to and used in love spells as it is thought that basil helps to promote peace and harmony between lovers. A container full of basil placed outside of your window was once a signal that a woman was ready to be courted.

Bay (Laurus nobilis) – …